Frequently Asked Questions
Who is GoVenture World designed for?
GoVenture World is designed for everyone: teenagers and adults, gamers and non-gamers, people with plenty of free time and those without.

How is GoVenture World different than other education-focused MMOGs?
GoVenture World gameplay is a radical departure from existing educational-focused virtual worlds, which tend to be primarily driven by avatar meeting spaces, virtual goods, minigames, and multiple choice interaction. GoVenture World gameplay is designed to keep players engaged in high-level thinking, decision making, and with each other, instead of the technology. See the About page for more details.
Is GoVenture World expected to compete with World of Warcraft, Second Life, and other such virtual worlds?
No. GoVenture World is designed to fill a gap in the marketplace. A vast number of people worldwide are interested in entrepreneurship, business, and financial literacy. Few will have the opportunity to run run their own real businesses and, as a result, never gain the potentially life-shaping wisdom that comes from doing so. Many people would also like to play an epic MMORPG but cannot invest the time needed to keep up. GoVenture World offers an alternative. Moreover, it represents a significant innovation in how learning is delivered. See the About page for more details.
Does GoVenture World use an immersive-3D environment?
The primary gameplay does not, although in the near future, there may be optional meeting spaces that do. Gameplay was designed without avatars and immersive-3D environments because we do not believe they add enough value to the overall experience, and they can greatly inhibit the convenience of being able to play on most devices. Avatars and immersive-3D environments can be incredibly powerful, but only when used in the appropriate circumstances. We believe GoVenture World gameplay should be focused on high-level thinking, decision making, and deep social interactions amongst players.
Why does MediaSpark believe GoVenture World has the potential to be the biggest innovation in the history of entrepreneurship education?
MediaSpark has been an innovator in the entrepreneurship education industry for over two decades. We have also worked with leading companies in the space. As a single organization, we have what may be the broadest and deepest collection of technology-based tools and technologies in the world for facilitating entrepreneurship. Yet, we see a scalability gap in all that is happening around the world to encourage entrepreneurship in youth and adults. Only through an MMOG like GoVenture World can we simultaneously expose potentially millions of people to entrepreneurship and deliver authentic learning experiences that would take years and decades to achieve in the real world. It goes far beyond seminars, events, business plan competitions, and other current methods that may be useful but not scalable.
Why does MediaSpark believe players should put their GoVenture World experience on their personal resumes?
All games are educational in one way or another. GoVenture World is specifically designed to deliver business, finance, and life experience that is as authentic as to what can be gained in the real world. The thinking, decision making, and collaboration that players undertake in GoVenture World are the same as what people experience in the day-to-day world of business: producing, pricing, and selling products, negotiating agreements, communicating, competing, and collaborating with others, and much more. Players are actually doing these activities for their own virtual businesses, instead of just reading about them in a textbook or case study. There is no substitute for life experience, and that is what GoVenture World delivers.
What technologies are used to build GoVenture World?
GoVenture World is built entirely by our team and not on top of any existing gaming platform. We use HTML5 and related enterprise-level Internet technologies.